The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127899 Message #2858041
Posted By: ichMael
06-Mar-10 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember the Alamo
1.48 million votes, came down to 664.
Anyway, if Medina had become governor, she would have used state sovereignty to nullify abusive federal legislation. That would have resulted in Washington threatening to withhold federal money from us, but I believe we only get back 47 cents for each buck we pay in taxes at this time, so where's the threat? In response, we would have quit paying federal taxes. That would have immediately provided a cash infusion for the state economy. Taxation would then have been re-structured fairly and the state would have boomed. AND, we would've been free to grow. We have oil and gas, agriculture, deep water ports, our own electrical grid (only state in the union with that). We would have become the MODEL of how a state could break away from the federal tit but still remain part of the union. And THAT is what Rick Perry and his globalist buddies are afraid of--the example we could set. So they got Glenn Beck, Mark Davis and Alex Jones to shave votes. They killed the best hope Texas had of averting economic catastrophe. They blighted the U.S. with more of the same ol' same ol' too. No real change will come about in 2010 now, with the removal of the Medina example. Sad, sad.