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Thread #127771   Message #2858378
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Mar-10 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
So, royston...WHAT caused Building 7 to come down in exactly the same way that the Twin Towers did?

There was no plane, remember.

Yet, seven hours later, it ....ooopsadaisy....fell down...

boom boom boom...

down down down...

Did you watch that video I posted earlier, about huge towers around the world that burned for up to 24 hours, yet were still left standing? Did you see the plane that crashed into the Empire State Building in the 1940s yet, it was still left standing?

Did you listen to the video of John F. Kennedy saying how he was going to fight the secrecy, open up the Amercian Government as never before....

Did you bother to read anything I posted, other than the bit about the BBC, which was actually to do with freedom of speech being removed from someone who had been told to stop talking about social issues..because it was upsetting the proles, which related to Little Hawk's post about 1984?

Or did you just ocme in here to do your ususal Lizzie Bashing?

This thread is really interesting and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's learning a lot by reading it.

Go back, look at those videos, and when you have, please explain to me why Building 7 came down in the way it did. Indeed, why it came down at ALL.

Sorry, but I believe the architects, the engineers and the firefighters, rather than a bunch of Corporate Bosses who also happened to be politicians in a cabinet that was awash with Corporate Bastards, headed by a man so stupid that they could tell him anything, get him to do anything and he would. He was their Ideal President, because Bush enabled them, through his utter stupidity to do whatever they damn well wanted.

And if you truly believe there was no conspiracy, then explain to me why Greece has no money, England has no money, the banks have no money...yet the Bankers have billions of pounds in bonuses!


And then, watch the machinations of the trial of Splitting the Sky, which starts tomorrow. Watch ALL the videos of his that I posted above, read his story, watch him try to arrest Bush, watch HIM getting arrested...and listen to what he says, because he knows one helluva lot more than most of us on this forum, and he's been willing to risk his life to try to draw the world's attention to the corruption and lies that are all around us!