The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108908   Message #2858827
Posted By: GUEST,jeff
08-Mar-10 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any Buddhists out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Buddhists out there?
Cult is an easy catch-all. They wear white at large functions for ease in identification of members than any rules. The original Buddha was from India who wrote 88,000 Sutras some of which were as simple as brush your teeth after meals, wash your hands before and after eating, don't eat rotten food, etc. Some of the same principles show up in Proverbs written largely by Solomon and Lemuel. Nichiren(Rencho, originally)was a Buddhist who decided that the entire 88,000 teachings could be distilled down to the most fundamental called the Lotus Sutra. Repetition of the aforementioned phrase and recitation of the LS could raise one's life condition and lead to enlightenment. Which is the highest life condition according to NSB. Life conditions being described from the lowest(Hell) to enlightenment w/learning in the middle someplace. One could be in a life condition of tranquility until someone throws a glass of water on you. Then anger is the life condition unless one has chanted enough daimoku to remain unfazed according to this belief system. Not that you're wrong just mis-informed. There are millions of well intended people involved in this practice.

There's nothing sinister in the intent of NSB. The evangelical fervor comes from excitement in seeing one's life change and wanting to share it(shakubuku). Not unlike becoming a born again Christian. One experiences wanting to spread the Gospel, hence the word 'witness' in 3 forms. Active, passive verbs and noun. To the point of being obnoxious, sometimes.