The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127927   Message #2858974
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
08-Mar-10 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blue Badge requirements
Subject: RE: BS: Blue Badge requirements
I am a Blue Badge holder, as is my wife, both of us the victims of arthritis so severe that the only car either can drive is an automatic. "Stick shift", with the requisite de-clutching, is not an option.

I am appalled by the IMO ever-increasing numbers of people who will park in a designated parking space, with never a hint of a Blue Badge.

So much so that I have had printed a wee card to slip under the windscreen wiper :

"You have my parking space. Would you like my disability to go with it ?"

[Now wait for the organic matter to make the acquaintance of the air conditioning device . . . ]