The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127851   Message #2859185
Posted By: katlaughing
08-Mar-10 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Kendall's new thread -Update - procedure May 6th
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's new thread -Update 6 March 2010
While it snows in the Banana Belt of Colorado! Big, fat, soft flakes not sticking much, but still snow, here, is unheard of in March.:-) Puir cats are left with no sun to worship in the windows and the cat tv (birds in the front and side yards seen from strategically placed windows) is on the fritz. Hope this brings a smile.

Kendall, as one who had pee-new-moan-ee-ah last year, I am telling you to take it very easy and let your body heal up. Maybe you should take up crocheting to pass the time. I am sure Jacqui could teach you.**BG**

Take care the three of you (thanks, Mary, for being there) and we'll keep sending lot of good thoughts, healing Light, and love.
