The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127932   Message #2859197
Posted By: Jayto
08-Mar-10 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: 3 Vids of W.Ky guitar legends (rare)
Subject: RE: 3 Vids of W.Ky guitar legends (rare)
Here is another. This vid has a bunch of significant pics in it. It has the old store front in Cleaton Ky by the legendary "Cleaton Crossing" as well as the crossing itself. That is the store referenced in Guitar Rag. The last residence of Mose Rager is in it as well as the monument. The Merle Travis birth house and the marker at the s...tart of the Merle Travis highway in Ebenezer. I am pretty sure Merle is buried there I have to check but I know for sure Mose is buried in Ebenezer. There are alot of other pics in it as well. If anyone has any questions about any of the pics please let me know. LLKM (Long Live Kentucky Music)!!!
Oh yeah Mose's guitar almost forgot. His daughters and I are good friends. I get alot of my stuff about Mose or stuff that belonged to Mose from them. His family and I go back over 20 years and actually they consider me family as I do them. They are a great bunch of people and I love them to death.
From Bardstown Ky. Pat Kirtley playing Killer Jim Miller