The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127954   Message #2859414
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
08-Mar-10 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Anyone for trad singing in Bristol UK?
Subject: RE: Anyone for trad singing in Bristol UK?
Good luck with that Sue!

As an idea you could try 'out-reaching' through things like Gumtree, the local Uni, WI, Arts Cafe / Arts centre, craft centre, Choir, library, adult ed. centre etc.? Just wondering if 'outside the box' type approach might be good for culling a bunch of total newbs, who are not already folkies?

One of the things I found as a newb to the folk scene (and to trad. song in particular) was that I simply didn't connect "folk" with unaccompanied singing of traditional songs. Daft as that might sound, I think there may be quite a lot of potential interest from others similar to me. Especially in younger age brackets, who won't be very aware of the revival scene.

The great thing about unaccompanied trad. song is it's so democratic. Anyone (within reason) can sing..

Just some thoughts, hope I'm not meddling!