The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126160   Message #2859460
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
08-Mar-10 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening 2010
I have daffadowndillies coming up in my garden. I've never had a garden with daffodils in, apart from in pots..but my new garden has them... :0)

Lily of the Valley too, I think, which remind me of my Dad, as they were one of his favourite, along with beautiful, bright dahlias...and his Peace Rose, how he loved that..

I'm reading Monty Don's 'My Roots' book at the moment, which is a collection of some of his newspaper articles. My goodness but he is SUCH an eloquent writer...and he writes in pictures, so much so that you can smell the earth, touch the frost and inhale the evening scent from the stocks...wonderful book!

The very beautiful, gentle and tender song...of love in a garden..
'Green Fingers' by Ian Lang on Ian's Myspace

And here's Monty, for those who've never heard of him before. He's a national treasure over here....Recently he had some mini-strokes, so has given up his gardening programmes, the physical ones anyway...He's just started some great programmes on the traditional crafts...

Monty on Youtube ' Around The World in 80 Gardens'