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Thread #127771   Message #2859472
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Mar-10 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
"I wish folks would start to learn that so many conspiracy theories are an essential part of the plan for perpetrators to "get away with it""

Your point is well taken, Royston. I do think that a great many well-known conspiracy theories have been deliberately planted in the national dialogue by the very group of high-level conspirators who arranged for 911 to occur. It's a classic Black-Ops disinformation propaganda campaign designed to confuse people, distract people, waste their energy chasing false trails, set them against one another, and discredit ALL related conspiracy theories about 911 merely by association.

A very effective means of protecting the original perpetrators, wouldn't you say?

I also think that if people as high up as, say, Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and key people in the intelligence services were involved......and if a later USA administration found out about it or knew about it....they would NOT utter a peep about it publicly. They would never admit it had happened. It would never be uncovered by any succeeding administration, and you know why? Because it would have a catastrophic effect on the American political system, America's position in the world, and the American public's trust in their own government, and no American government could contemplate opening that can of worms. Plus, it would totally invalidate 2 foreign wars and occupations to which the USA has deeply committed itself, and no American government would be willing to see that happen either. Like Japan in its tragic China war adventure (late 30s to 1945), the USA will go to any lengths to avoid giving up on what they have already committed themselves to in their Middle Eastern wars.

Too much damage would occur if the truth was revealed. Accordingly, if they have covered up a high level domestic conspiracy in regards to 911, they will continue to cover it up till hell freezes over, no matter WHO gets elected president. No matter which party is in office. No matter what.