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Thread #127771   Message #2859712
Posted By: ichMael
08-Mar-10 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
"I wish folks would start to learn that so many conspiracy theories are an essential part of the plan for perpetrators to "get away with it""

Your point is well taken, Royston. I do think that a great many well-known conspiracy theories have been deliberately planted in the national dialogue by the very group of high-level conspirators who arranged for 911 to occur. It's a classic Black-Ops disinformation propaganda campaign designed to confuse people, distract people, waste their energy chasing false trails, set them against one another, and discredit ALL related conspiracy theories about 911 merely by association.

A very effective means of protecting the original perpetrators, wouldn't you say?

I have to agree with all that. But what constitutes a conspiracy theory? The government's report is incomplete, contradictory and in some places intentionally misleading. That's a fact, not a conspiracy. If YOU issued such a statement regarding a crime that occurred on your watch, you would become suspect # 1. And discussion of the hundred inconsistencies in the report (like the stuff about steel, cores, etc) is not "conspiracy theory."

The government gave us the first "conspiracy theory" when it said 19 men with boxcutters did the job. 19 men CONSPIRED, then the government told us not to pay attention to conspiracy theories. They immediately presented us with a conundrum, and they've been building on it ever since, 24/7, never letting up.

And the U.S. has built an internal police state since 9/11. The Dept of Homeland Security was created and then hired Markus Wolf (former head of the East German Stasi) and Yevgeni Primakov (former head of the KGB). Hired two of the most notorious killers in the western world to "advise" the U.S. on how to "fight terrorism." You see, AMERICANS are the terrorists. Government documents talk about the "legitimate power monopoly" of the U.S. government, and when they talk about threats to that monopoly, they don't mean al qaida. They mean Baptists, Catholics, Democrats. They mean folk musicians, students, blacks, whites. If you can oppose them, then you are part of a terrorist group, and you will be dealt with.

You'd better stand up to this, people. You have nothing to lose. 9/11 was used to initiate "emergency borrowing," and that seed money led to the mafioso bankers being able to manufacture the current "banking crisis." Now the moneymen are targetting the European Union. Greece first, then Spain and Italy, then the rest. The 9/11 criminals are going to take EVERYTHING YOU HAVE before they kill you.

If you want to get back to basics on investigating 9/11, look at Buzzy Krongard, #3 in the CIA in 2001. He worked for A.B. Brown, a German bank, before he went to the CIA. Brown was involved in placing stock market put options against the airlines used in the attacks. Insider knowledge. This was reported on less than a week after the attacks, but then the U.S. govt started issuing "national security" seals to protect the information.

9/11 created the seed money for what will ultimately result in the destruction of the fiat paper money system in the western world. The lunatics running the scam will reduce us to barbarism and cleanse the planet of us, because we didn't hold them accountable for what they did on 9/11. That's what they hope, anyway.