The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108908   Message #2859753
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Mar-10 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any Buddhists out there?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Buddhists out there?
If it gave Tina Turner the courage to get away from Ike and get her own life back, I see no reason to attack it.

There's a purpose behind sustained chanting. It can quiet the mind after awhile. When you quiet the mind and become silent within, you can become keenly aware, perhaps for the first time, of something much greater than the mind. When you do that, you are on the first steps to enlightenment, according to the Eastern traditions.

I say this as one who almost never succeeds in quieting his mind! It keeps me awake at night. It talks endlessly. It has bedeviled me all my life with its busy complications and its obsession to fill every moment with a barrage of thoughts. I have begun to realize, though, what it is doing, and I'm not as easily fooled by it as I once was. That's a start.