The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127899   Message #2859768
Posted By: ichMael
08-Mar-10 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember the Alamo
But the world's need for oil is disappearing. All countries that can afford to are going nuclear. No more need for oil.

So...the Dutch/Anglo-American oil monopoly becomes worth less and less with each passing day. This is the most perilous time in human history. The Dutch/English royalty and the Rockefellers are about to lose their stranglehold on the world's power supply. Look for a desperate move in Iran. The oil fields of Iran will be secured by the oil monopolists, and they will give us a limited nuclear war. The world will then shy away from anything "nuclear" and BP/Shell/Standard oil will have another 50 years of control. Or that's how it's beginning to look.