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Thread #127771   Message #2860264
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Mar-10 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Who knows? There are a vast number of possibilities. I've never said that I know what happened, because I don't. I merely think it quite possible that some things happened which have been covered up, and I'd like to see further serious investigations done in that direction, because there are a number of very odd things about 911.

Like you, Wolfgang, I doubt that George W. Bush would have been included in the members of a conspiracy hatched by people within his administration, because he would have served much better as, to put it in your words, "a useful idiot" who did not know or understand what was going on.

I think it far more likely that Dick Cheney and some other individuals at a high level would have been directly involved, but not George Bush.

I think these gentlemen are of the "you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelet" school of thought...that is, they are willing to sacrifice a number of innocent lives in order to achieve a much larger strategic objective that they feel will benefit a greater cause they also think is a good cause.

If so, they have a lot of company among the political leaders of both past and present. Most successful (and unsuccessful) leaders of powerful nations have a strong element of ruthlessness in their makeup.

I would think that the best reason for using passenger airliners would be to get the ordinary public to be as upset as possible by:

1. a spectacular visual demonstration on nation-wide TV
2. the tremendous fear that it would spread in ordinary people, because it's much more frightening to imagine that your airliner may be hijacked than that a cruise missile may be shot into some skyscraper.

It makes the incident much more personal, and it stirs outrage over the helpless passengers trapped on the airplanes.

Outrage is the best possible emotion for stirring a public to support a foreign war. Hitler knew that. Any leader who wants to start a war knows that. Always work on the angle that will most outrage your public, and they will support the country going to war over it.