The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24775   Message #286100
Posted By: Lady McMoo
27-Aug-00 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Guild guitar string replacements
Subject: RE: Guild guitar string replacements
I'm with Big Mick on this one. As a player and instrument repairer I've tried probably every string brand at one time or another. The Elixirs certainly feel different (although OK to me) and are quite expensive but last me 3-4 times as long as other brands (although I do extend the lifetime of the wounds by replacing the plain strings more frequently. To me this adds up to less expensive in the short term. Mick's right too that they stay bright right to the end and the sound is one that I like. I use them on both guitar and mandolin now.

For instruments that there isn't an Elixir set for, like my octave mandolin, I generally use D'Addarios and like them. I've liked the GHS strings I've used in the past too, as some have mentioned above although I can't get them where I live now. I've never had any personal luck with Dr. Thomastiks although some other players I know swear by them. Perhaps it's the old "finger acid" problem again.

