The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2861223
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Mar-10 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
The man, whose name I have NOT put into this thread, by the way..was held in prison, on remand. Whilst there, he was put on suicide watch.

He liked little girls in underwear. He took photos of young girls in their underwear. He had rigged up cameras under desks and in other places, for this purpose. He then put them on the internet.

He is apparently NOT a danger to children, sexually (yeah, right) according to the judge, who, for some strange reason, then put him on the Sex Offenders Register and banned him from ever working with children again. Despite him saying the man was not a danger to children..makes sense, huh?

I knew that man. I used to walk past him every day. I spoke to him at Parents Evenings, I spoke to him in passing, I knew where he lived...In fact, folkiedave, I know a helluva lot more about him than you do. He was one of my daughter's teachers. He used to tell me how much he liked my daughter..(yeah, right) Luckily, she always wore trousers to school, so her underwear was never on show, and therefore, I'd assume he never took photos, but who the hell knows, eh?

So, stick that up yer 'I know everything better than you!' jumper...folkiedave...

And while we're at it, shall we ask that same judge to pass sentence on creepy men who follow women around the internet, folkiedave??????? Shall we show him the **evidence**??????????

Because if you don't stop fucking stop doing what you're doing, I'm going to be bringing charges against you, mate...and the evidence is all here, on Mudcat...of the way you stalk me!

David, thank you for your sarcasm. I'm sure it made you laugh. My computer though, is old. So is my brain, but that is not yet old enough to not be able to work out how to turn a computer on. I went through the boring machinations of my old computer for your grandson.
I will never bother again.

Jade, stop lecturing me. You're really getting up my nose! I can whatever I fucking well want with my Facebook page, as can every other person on the planet! I do not have to explain to ANYONE why I am closing it down, or even THAT I am closing it down. The fact you took it so personally shows the craziness of the power of Facebook, where people become so stressed out because of something so utterly insignificant.   I have said on here many times, that I don't like Facebook and have closed various pages I've made, down.

And I will write as *I* want to, not as YOU want me to. I have never told you how to write, nor what to write, nor commented on your writing in any way, other than to say I'm fair fed up with your behaviour towards me.   You are completely free to behave that way though, but do NOT tell me how to write, or try to analyse me all the time. My brain is mine, not yours, and ONLY I know how it works, because ONLY I have the key to it. I have been told by the Moaning Minnies, for over 6 years that I should write in a way they like, they want, they demand. I've told them all, at different times, to fook off and leave me be. If you don't like what I write, you don't have to read really is that simple, just see my name and stroll on by...

Interesting, Ralph, that now Joe has come forward about home education, you've become a changed man....Hmmmmmmmm

"Back to the origins of this thread 800 pound fine for low school attendance? I'd make it 8000 pounds. (and a jail sentence for child abuse)"

There are many teachers who are guilty of child abuse...It is mental abuse that very often lasts a lifetime. They should be fined FAR more than £8,000 for it...and lose their jobs too.

"Let's just leave parenting to parents, and teaching to teachers."


Parents are teachers also. We teach our children to feed, to crawl, to walk, to talk, to dress themselves, to eat, to cook, to look after their belongings, to read, to sit, to listen, to bathe, to brush their teeth, to wash their hair, to mend their clothes, to have a bank account, to read, to add up, to take away, to times their tables, to garden, to plant seeds, to find their way on public transport, to use libraries, to shop, to use the internet, to love music, to love, to tolerate, to read maps, to pack their suitcases, to do their washing, their ironing, to be polite, to be kind, to be thoughtful, to be empathetic...

What the fuck makes you think we can't teach them about any other subject under the sun????????

With computers we can travel to The British Museum, the British Library, we can look at any subject under the sun, and find out amazing things about those subjects!

ALL parents are teachers, even if they are bad parents.
Not ALL teachers are parents..

Confirm in a child's mind that they never have to Conform!

School restricts, rules and regulates.

Home Education brings Freedom of thought, lessons, speech, time, life.

I have seen the results, many of you have not. I have seen BOTH sides of the coin, and I know in which method of learning my children have flourished.

They do not learn to anyone's criteria, other than their own, and that is what has made them the fascinating, magical and intelligent young people that they are.