The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2861575
Posted By: Sawzaw
11-Mar-10 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
"That's called "questioning", son"

Well Pop, I actually took the effort to question your Bobert "fact". I sent emails to three sites that posted your "fact" and none of them answered.

Then I took the time and effort to ask the authors of the report you gloated over that you claimed proved your "fact".

One of the researchers, Mark Nord, actually took the time to answer and the answer contradicted your "fact".

Also I took the time to search for other stats. I found them at and the USDA, again contradicting your "fact".

So far you have been a lazy, truculent, smug, self righteous, holier than thou, bleater of propaganda from websites that are so disingenuous in their facts that they do not answer.

One of them was called The Most Outrageous Charity in America and a Scam by two different sources.

You cannot prove your "fact", you are to lazy to do any questioning yourself but you accuse me of not questioning things.

I have done 100 times more questioning and fact finding than you have.

You know you are wrong but your Winnebago sized ego won't allow you to admit it. I think you accused GWB of the same thing about a thousand times.

So as a subterfuge you try to shift it to a poverty line issue and demand that I produce something to prove you right.

Nothing personal Pop, but get up off your ass and do what you are trying to shift off onto me and quit trying to change the subject.