The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2861909
Posted By: Sawzaw
11-Mar-10 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Well Amos, you don't mind hooting what the irresponsible media whangers say if it supports your agenda.

From Amos Nov 2008:

Indeed, recent polls by Gallup and the Pew Research Center find the public exuberant about Mr. Obama and optimistic that he will solve the nation's problems.

The Gallup Poll also showed Mr. Obama getting a higher post-election favorable rating (68 percent) than either George W. Bush in 2000 (56 percent) or Bill Clinton in 1992 (60 percent).

I don't think you are stupid or evil or mean or wrong all the time Amos. I simply believe you get caught up in the irrational exuberance of whomever you believe to be in the majority.

Nobody is right all the time and nobody is wrong all the time, Idolizing or Demonizing people is not using good judgment. That is gang mentality.

You have to make your own judgment of things that people say and do on an item by item basis, not with some sweeping "he is all bad" or "he is all good" mentality.

The media whangers use this to their advantage, for a profit, while the nations problems get worse instead of better.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we stopped using the "he is all bad" or "he is all good" approach?