The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127899 Message #2862189
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Mar-10 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Subject: RE: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Iran has never at any time threatened to "wipe Israel off the map", despite that false propaganda phrase being repeated a billion times in our media by now by people who wish others to imagine Iran had said that.
The only credible reason for a country like Iran to develop a nuclear weapon of its own is to deter far better armed nuclear weapons powers from launching a first strike on they obviously would very much like to do, and they talk about the possibility of attacking Iran quite frequently.....that is to say, they do exactly what they accuse Iran of doing: they build weapons of mass destruction, stockpile them, and claim the right to use them on someone else in a first strike.
It's a spectacular example of "Big Lie" doublespeak when others accuse Iran of plotting to do what they frequently talk openly about doing to Iran. They accuse Iran of their own obvious intentions, and that's what aggressors who are planning wars of choice usually do: they just accuse their next potential victim of having intentions of doing it to them.
Their own citizens usually believe that problem, they are easily fooled by the domestic mass media who parrot whatever they are told to by the government...but no one else believes it.
Iran has not said it wants to develop a nuclear weapon. It has said it wants to develop nuclear power and it has every legal right to do that.
Yes, Iran will be the recipient if there is an attack. They won't be completely helpless, they'll fight back in various ways and cause some damage in return (specially in the area of the Gulf and Iraq), but when it comes to nuclear strikes....oh, they'll be helpless, all right.