The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127613   Message #2862643
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
12-Mar-10 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
Subject: RE: BS: £800 fine for low school attendance
"Anyway I note from earlier posts - far from being home educated as you have constantly told us - your daughter spent all but one of her compulsory school years in school. I have to tell you that is not the normal definition of home education.

Thanks for that."

I've always stated that fact, folkiedave. You're slipping.

My son was home-educated from the age of 7. Do you have a problem with that too?

I have experienced BOTH sides of the coin...and I know which suits/suited my children best. This is due to being their mother and knowing both of them far better than any teacher will ever come to know them.

My daughter came OUT of school, INTO home education because she could no longer cope with the appalling pressure of examinations, of stressed out teachers, putting their stress on to the pupils...and because of bullying, from both pupils and some teachers. She also gave up her art for two years, because her art 'teacher' told her that her work was "crap"...the exact word she used.

The damage that stupid, ignorant woman did, remains, even to this day.

NO teacher has the right to make my children, or anyone else's feel bad about themselves. No other human being does. But I damn well expect teachers, above all others, to ONLY show kindness, support, inspiration and guidance to children. THAT is their job, that is what they are therefore...and ANY teacher who feels it is their 'right' to belittle, humiliate, embarrass, denigrate, shout, scream or treat badly any child, should not be in the profession.

It is one thing to be firm. It is quite another to see yourself as being in a position of power, to look down and talk down to young people and children, merely because you have 'teacher' branded on your forehead.

Actually, I think that every single term, teachers should be tested, by their pupils. They should see what their children think of them, and why.

They may be quite surprised...for better or for worse.