The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2862658
Posted By: Teribus
12-Mar-10 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Now let us see how much of this that Bobert has got wrong:

Gordon Brown just yesterday said that had he known there were no WMD he wouldn't have favored the invasion (No surprise there Bobert everything that man has touched has turned to shit, he is renown for his poor judgement and lack of understanding of real problems)... The problem with that statement is that the evidence that was used to suggest that their might be WMD was trumped up by Bush & Co. and Blair & Co (Well No Bobert it wasn't. The evidence that was used relating to what WMD Iraq may, or may not have had came from UNSCOM, your pal Doctor Hans Blix helped write the Report quantifying the WMD and highlighting the discrepencies).... Even the final piece of so-called evidence that Busdh used in his Sate of the Union Adress about Saddam having anuclear weapons program was soon after described as a college kids term paper that intellegence people thought was very amatuarish (Wrong)...

So that's why Bush and Blair pulled the string on the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis??? A college kids 20 year old term paper??? Give me a break, ya'll (No Bobert you give us a break and do a bit of honest research instead of just spouting out the first thing that crosses that soup that passes for your brain)... That is about the most childish excuse for a war that has ever been dreamed up... A 20 year old C+ college kids term paper???? (Any idea what the paper was about Bobert? any idea who wrote it? Going by what you are telling folks here you haven't got the foggiest clue)

The paper that the British Intelligence Agencies were guilty of plagiarising concerned the systems and networks set up by Saddam Hussein's regime to hide his weapons programmes and networks for purchasing prohibited items. The person who wrote the paper was a Post-Graduate Student, not a 20 year old college kid. His source material was over a million documents captured from the Iraqis. At the time in question the paper was 12 years old and according to its author still highly relevant. The author's own opinion at the time was that it was perfectly correct to use the information contained in the paper, his only complaint was that he was not credited for his work.