The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2862876
Posted By: Smokey.
12-Mar-10 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
"I would be terrified by any law which assumes to divide citizens into fit and unfit persons for certain types of employment. Do we stop at teachers...where next, who next ?" (Hilo)

Remember that one next time you're in hospital.

In my opinion if a teacher cannot teach without bringing his/her political or religious views to work, they are unfit to do the job regardless of their personal beliefs. Free speech and democracy are nothing to do with it. Children should be taught without bias and encouraged to think and reason for themselves - that way they are more likely to grow up with the ability to fully appreciate and use that free speech and democracy in the manner in which it should be used, that is, with an accompanying sense of responsibility. Children learn from example, and they are the ones who will be running the show in a few years time.