The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128066   Message #2863177
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
13-Mar-10 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Subject: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Yes, it's wonderful, ain't it!    "Get yer Work Experience Here!"

Some UK employers are now conning Graduates to work for them for nothing! gets even worse, or funnier, because some of those Graduates are paying thousands of pounds TO their new employers for their 'work experience' only to find there is NO job at the end of it!

You couldn't make it up, really, could you!!

May be we need to bring a few new University subjects:

The Common Sense degree
The You've GOT To Be JOKING, Right? degree
The Can ANYONE Really Be That Dumb? degree
The How To Spot A Bastard Employer at 10,000 Paces degree
The Dumb & Dumber degree (oh woops, that one's already over-subscribed) favourite..

The Don't Go To University Come Out With A Degree and £20,000 Debt Then Pay Your Employer To Work For Him degree

I mean??????????????????