The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128066   Message #2863219
Posted By: VirginiaTam
13-Mar-10 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Subject: RE: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
It seems to me, one should be angry with the greedy employers exploiting the workforce.

As an aside... even though I have a bachelor's degree and it cost me dear in the purse and it doesn't translate well here in the UK, I would not trade it for anything. Not only did I love what I studied and learned, it contributed to the person I am now. The things I care about, I can argue for (or against) with the skills to really investigate why I feel strongly. I am more able to judge and monitor my own reactions. And for that reason alone the education was invaluable.