The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2863323
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
13-Mar-10 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
My apologies Tam. Had I red your post before rsponding to Ake, I would have taken it elsewhere.

On topic now.

Which, I wonder, would be the smart response to BNP members in the teaching profession.

Much as I hate the scum, I am very dubious about the banning of political parties in a democracy. I'm not sure that I want to trust government not to overstep the mark in deciding who should be banned.

Some of us on this forum might possibly be considered for banning when we express our opinions on government competence (or more likely, incompetence).

I agree with Tam that we should afford our children as good (or better) protection as is given to suspected or convicted criminals.

Perhaps the answer is a requirement for all teachers to disclose political affiliations (instant dismissal if caught lying), by which I mean membership of any political party.

Their lesson plans and interaction with pupils could then be monitored with knowledge of the most likely slant in teaching, and if biased teaching were found, that too would mean instant dismissal.

IMO, it has to be done "across the board" without targetting any particular party, then nobody is being discriminated against, except the rule breaker.

When all is said and done, I don't suppose that the BNP teachers have any greater opportunity to indoctrinate than others. When it comes to indoctrination, the party which would come off worst would in point of fact be the Tories. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Tory teachers I have ever met, and have several fingers left over. And that my friends is true from primary school to university.

Don T.