The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2863344
Posted By: LilyFestre
13-Mar-10 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Port is "on board" chemo continues
LOL! Now that's a vision for first thing in the morning!

I have a handicapped bedside potty and will ask Pete to set it up if ABSOLUTELY necessary. The hospital sent it home with me initially as I needed handles to stand up and since they didn't have just the handles, they gave me a free-standing potty. It's funny you should mention it because I was thinking about it yesterday....just how much pain do I need to be in before I'm willing to ask Pete to dump such a thing as I am in NO shape to carry much of anything down the stairs. I still think EW.

I finally did fall asleep for 3 straight hours, waking up once to take pain meds that I now cart along with me so I don't need to make added trips. I wish I had thought of the aloe or oatmeal yesterday as we have both of those on hand. This morning we are going to the pharmacy and Walmart for the essentials. I'm either staying in the car or going to use a scooter. There just is NO way I can walk around Walmart today. At the moment, I'm trying to work up the OOMPH to stand long enough to take a shower and may well just do it seated from the side of the tub (we have a shower hose thingyamabob). My head is caked with Benedryl which served it's purpose for the night. EW.

Anyway, I am looking ahead and trying to keep in mind that this pain, although really hard to get through, is only temporary and it should begin to let up by tomorrow night or so. My Dr. told me the only side effect that should increase in duration is the tiredness as my blood counts get knocked down more and more with each chemo treatment.

Ok. Pete has finished his morning outside chores which means I really do need to find that OOMPH to get in the shower.

Love and Hugs to all,
