The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128066   Message #2863408
Posted By: Emma B
13-Mar-10 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Subject: RE: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
"can sell film and razor blades, push paper and talk on the telephones, or sit mindlessly before a flickering computer terminal but as human beings they are useless. ...."

Those words come from John Talor Gatto who you demanded us to read several times and whose words/views you stated you agreed wholeheartedly with.......

I don't believe I said the word were yours merely the attitude; as you have stated 'he has changed the way 'so many of us' (I presume you include yourself in that?) are now thinking'

As you demanded

"WATCH THIS....You Might Learn Something!!   because this man is hugely important

This is your Homework for tonight, children.

I want a 3,000 word essay on it by next Thursday afternoon. This will give you all time to order it, read it and write about it, in the way that I demand."

and as I have an open mind.....
Well you see I did what you 'demanded'

but you can apologize for junping to conclusions if you want

Lizzie I don't really care what you heard 'all over' a breakfast programme and I have no idea who the 'they' were you were listening to; but I do care about misrepresentation.

The situation as outlined by the TUC is that SOME firms in the very specific area of 'media' buisness are taking advantage of the combination of too many media studies students anxious to get a foothold in their chosen cut-throat career and a recession.

However, the use of internship, both paid and voluntary (no one actually forces students to do this you know) is on the increase and some 'introduction' firms are exploiting the situation.