The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128066 Message #2863415
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
13-Mar-10 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Subject: RE: BS: Get a Degree - Work for NOTHING
Ah, John Taylor Gatto, NOT me.
You should have put his name after his words, yer know, to like um er show folks he said 'em and not me...
He talks a great deal of sense. One of my heroes. And yes, sadly what he says there is kinda true, because these days, when the world and his wife has a degree, they ain't really worth as much as they used to be. Whilst I agree with Will that many degrees are bloody hard work and worth every moment of study, some aren't. And as the pass rate for quite a bit of Degreey Type Work seems to be around 40%, methinks that somewhere along the line, Dumb & Dumber have taken over as Producers of The New Rules of University Degrees.
Once upon a time, in a Land Far Away in Intelligence, their lived people who had brains SO clever, and who were so interested in their subjects, that they excelled everyone around them. They were the clever clogs who got to go to Uni, and who got truly amazing marks! Yer know..the kinda marks where you if you got 40% you'd be er..failed....?
Anyways ups..
Thank you though for clearing up the way you misrepresented me in your words above, Emma. I know how you dislike misrepresentation of any sort.
(hoisted petard own your by) rearrange to suit mood... ;0)
As I said, I DO accept public apologies.
The BBC made a big thing of it this morning. I suggest you take up your Misrepresentation Claims with them, as the practice/practise (depending on whether you have a Pedantry Degree) is becoming more and more widespread.