The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2863470
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
13-Mar-10 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Regarding racism, I see little difference between the views being expounded by the BNP and those from a large section of the Conservative party

Much as I disagree with a lot of Tory policy (and a lot of 'new' Labour for that matter) I must stand up for them in this case. I have never seen anything in a Tory manifesto that is in direct breach of racial equality guidelines. The BNPs manifesto and it's own membership rules are full of them.

I respect Tam's wishes to not resort to name calling but if you cannot see the difference between the main poitical parties and the BNP then there is something seriously wrong. It is eiter in how people are explaining it or you refusal to see the evil in these people. I shall leave it for others to decide which.

Back to the main thread. I would be happy for David Cameron to educate my grandson. I would be happy if Tony Blair, dressed in a red robe and white beard bounced him on his knee while shouting 'Ho ho ho'. But if nasty Nick came withing 10 yards of the little lad I would snatch up my grandson and run for the door. Yes, they are all politicians. Yes, none of them can be trusted. But to try and compare them any further is like trying to say all criminals are the same. I would happily let a reformed thief loose in a classroom. I would not do the same with a paedophile.
