The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128036   Message #2863473
Posted By: akenaton
13-Mar-10 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Teacher members of BNP
Subject: RE: BS: Teacher members of BNP
"If someone publicly embraces racism and homophobia, that person is not suitable to be in a position of authority over any vulnerable person. "

Sorry to labour the point Virginia, but in another thread I'm sure you announced that you were an anarchist,given that   many here would see that view as anti-democratic and dangerous, do you consider that anyone holding your views should be banned from positions of authority over children?

If not, why do you wish to ban BNP members, who may simply have joined the Party on political issues like immigration or foreign policy.

On this forum any opposition to unrestricted immigration appears to qualify one as a fully paid up racist.