The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2863491
Posted By: Royston
13-Mar-10 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
From: Royston - PM
Date: 13 Mar 10 - 05:40 AM

Keith, please don't drag this back by two weeks.

Minimum 1,984,500 gay men (from the NATSAL survey)

The total figure for gay men living with HIV from HPA was whatever is was when I posted it 10 days or so ago. The calculated overall prevalence was 1.6%

I specifically quoted 5.6% as the median prevalence for 15-44 year olds from the HPA dataset.

So I hoped I was being quite scrupulous in putting both numbers forward.

Please don't obscure the point - that HIV is a tragic, minority experience whether you are gay, straight, black or white in this country.

Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
From: Royston - PM
Date: 12 Mar 10 - 04:13 PM

Thanks, Don. F.

Ake, hedonism does not spread HIV. Promsicuity does not spread HIV.

Having sex without a condom spreads HIV.

Whatever the cause of HIV spreading, the prevalence amongst gay men overall is only 1.6%

98.4% of gay men are not hedonistic/promiscuous/unsafe. Delete as appropriate.

Take the most sexually active, highest risk demographic of 15-44 year-olds and you have 5.6% prevalence.

So 94.4% of the statstically riskiest gay men are, errm, NOT hedonistic/promiscuous/unsafe.

So you are just a relentlessly fucking stupid bigot.

Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
From: Royston - PM
Date: 06 Mar 10 - 04:23 AM


Now to your 8.5% HIV prevalence among 15-44 y/o MSM's. The rest of the sentence from from the HPA report says:

" The prevalence of HIV (both diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) among MSM aged 15-44 was estimated to be 8.5% (range 7.0-10.5%) within London"

In the interest of total honesty, it concludes:

"...3.7% (range 3.1-4.5%) elsewhere in England and Wales and 5.3% (range 4.7-6.1%)overall."

So screw me if you weren't lying yet again. I trusted you on that, I didn't imagine even you would twist a lie out of a simple document like that. You just can't be trusted on anything can you?

So put all that together and you get a figure of 4.7% to 6.1% MSM HIV prevalence in the sexually active age groups which is kind of in the ballpark of the 4% figure that we were all thought was basically realistic - until your prejudices got in the way of whatever common sense you have.

So there are your lies exposed, Keith. I have been using HPA figures consistently. It was I that extracted the truth of them from your initial attempts to distort them.

You just don't know when to stop digging, do you?