The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128075 Message #2863640
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Mar-10 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Buddha collapsed out of shame
Subject: RE: BS: Buddha collapsed out of shame
There are some tribal people from the Buddhist tradition in those mountainous regions, particularly around the area called Baltistan. Most of the common people seem to be in favour of girls getting an education, but there are various authoritative religious pests who oppose it...contrary to the written teachings of Mohammed, who encouraged education for both boys and girls.
It isn't Islamic people who are opposed to educating women, it's a specific variety of fundamentalist Islamic people who are, demonstrating that they don't even understand their own holy books.
Read Greg Mortensen's books about building schools in those areas for further info. He got a great deal of help from Islamic people...he was opposed by a small minority of power-hungry local Mullahs here and there, and helped by other Mullahs. The Mullahs in Iran approved his building of schools for boys and girls.