The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2866519
Posted By: Don Firth
17-Mar-10 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
GUEST,marks(on the road), here are two cases I heard of recently which were in the news:

A woman with breast cancer, needing a double radical mastectomy who was denied by her insurance company because she had a "pre-existing condition."   The pr-existing condition? Teenage acne! The hospital wouldn't touch her unless she anted up $40,000 in front. While fighting with the insurance company, she died.

Another woman with leukemia needed chemotherapy. Her insurance company raised her premium to $10,000 a month(!!!), which she simple couldn't afford. While arguing with the insurance company, she collapsed and died.

Should these two women—and many, many people in their same position—have simply gone to the emergency room?

I don't think it works that way!!

Don Firth