The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128118   Message #2866539
Posted By: Bill D
17-Mar-10 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
Subject: RE: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
"It's just a matter of a conservative state doing what it can to pass along its ideals to its school children. "

Ain't thet whut I done SAID? Lordy! You make my point FOR me!

Only I said it without the genteel tone you use.
It is not for school books to "pass along **ideals**"!!

The purpose of education should be to give information, and the tools to objectively evaluate information.

If parents wish to put their 'spin' on kids education at home, there is little anyone can do to stop them, but the school system is suppose to be as neutral as possible. Conservatives are constantly fighting this ideal, because they fear...rightly... that if kids learn to think for themselves, they just 'might' not toe the party line and memorize all the 'conservative values' required!

I was fortunate to get a fairly neutral education, even though at times, "Christian values" were presented as if there was no alternative, and in college, I was in a dept. of Philosophy where **thinking** was stressed. When I graduated from college, I was suddenly awash in a city where it was difficult to work & play without being judged by how I answered 'certain questions' about my political & religious views. I got pretty good at it, but it was tiresome!

I was once offered a federal job in Texas, but by then I had spoken to several friends who warned me that it was MUCH harder to avoid 'those questions' in many parts of Texas. not insult me by silly assertions about "passing along ideals"... I KNOW what that amounts to under certain situations, and I think I am glad that I was able to raise MY son where the 'ideals' included freedom to decide for himself!