The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25561   Message #2866817
Posted By: pdq
18-Mar-10 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Los San Patricios?
Subject: RE: Songs about Los San Patricios?
The government based in Mexico City encouraged Irish to emigrate to the Texas territory as early as 1828.

They were often paid something, money or land.

Germans began arriving in numbers in the 1930s, about 40% were Catholic. They came on their own and started some of the cattle ranches that still exist today. Since there was no obvious border anywhere in the Southwest, many Germans wound up in areas that are now in Mexico.

Both joined various groups of pioneers who came from the U.S.

All lived in the middle of a region that had been occupied by numerous native tribes which came to be known as American Indians, or just Indians.

Indians were, by far, the majority race at the time the Bear Flag Republic was established and the Irish, Germans, ex pat Americans, Spanish, and most of the ethnic Mexicans all despised the corrupt and violent government in Mexico city and wanted nothing to do with their rule.

Actually, most of Mexico's states were in revolt against their government at this time.

The government in Mexico City decreed that only Roman Catholicism would be practiced in the Texas territory and that all people, no matter where they were from, must pledge allegiance to the Mexican government.

Penalty for disloyalty to the Mexican government or non-compliance with religious demands: death.

Churches were burned but they were Protestant churches and they were torched by Mexicans.

Irish joined the Mexican Army in the fight to put Texas under Mexican control, however, those who suggest that these were all U.S. army deserters are way off base. Proof, anyone?