The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2866883
Posted By: wysiwyg
18-Mar-10 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Port is 'on board' chemo continues
corrected post


JUST for LF--

As an FYI, to consider--

There are times when you can just trust that you will sleep when you really need to. (Some of that sleep happens when we think we are awake-- dreaming that we are up. You oughtta see us-- Fr CS will swear he's been up all night when I'VE been "up all night reading" and hearing him snore.)

As long as you do not have to drive, tend a small baby, be in court, work, or dispose of a dead body, it's actually OK not to sleep. A week of that punctuated by a night of sleep-aids is actually "enough" as long as we are not required by circumstance to be at our best.

It will feel like crap, but it IS part of the rhythm. You can just practice relaxing during the duh-time, or put your attention on something engaging and positive. My own experience has been that when I do that (Folk College WAS that), I am as well-rested as if I had slept deeply.

It counts as HEALING rest.

I am sure this post all FEELS like bullshit-- I KNOW it will to 99% of you-- but I know lots of folks living it. Me included.

cc: Fr CS