The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2866897
Posted By: GUEST,Neil D
18-Mar-10 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Are you sure Limbaugh didn't say America has the best healthcare in the world while they were feeding his narcotic addiction. Dennis didn't sell out, he grew up. Being an adult often means making hard compromises. This one was especially hard because the Senate bill IS deeply flawed. Some of the flaws will be corrected in reconciliation but probably not the major one, the personal mandate without a public option. It has been pointed out that Social Security and Medicare both started out weaker and were improved over time. There's no guarantee that this will happen after this bill passes, but we won't find out if we don't get something passed to build upon.
Republicans and and a handful of Conservadems (Blue Dogs) have really painted the rest of the Democrats into a corner where the need for some kind of legislation is absolute. I can't express that any better than Bill D did earlier:
"This bill is the START... If we pass something, even if it's flawed, we have something to work with. The Republicans WANT to see it fail...just so they can SAY "you failed". They say "start over", and if we did, they'd have even cleverer objections and drag it out another year, so they could say "you failed twice".
   FACE IT... the Republican strategy IS based, at bottom, on the vested interests of big business and insurance companies who want to continue screwing the public in any way THEY choose. They want to sell less insurance to those who might actually need it, or make them pay more than it's worth.

Right now, just showing that we can do ANYTHING they don't like is crucial."

   I live close enough to Cleveland (Dennis's home district) that all of my local TV and much radio comes from there and I can tell you he is being savaged in the local media. I can't tell you how many times I heard variations on the "they gave him a ride in the big plane and he flipped like a pancake" theme yesterday. I hope he doesn't become one of the November casualties that pundits expect as fallout from passing this bill. America needs his voice even if it is so often crying out in the wilderness of corporate America.