The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2867302
Posted By: GUEST,I'll try again...
18-Mar-10 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
This computer is possessed... Hit the long skinny spacer thing twice and it makes it like "submit" but...

...first of all, seein' as I've had 600 miles of interstate driving today I ain't in mood for all the crap I've just read...

Number 1: Yo, Sawz... I got some bad news fir ya', son... The news departments in just about every newspaper and TV station in the country have experience drastic cuts which means that alot of shit that is being put out by rightie bloggers is making it into the medai as, ahhhhhh, fact??? It ain't... It's 10% fact and 90% homemade bullshit... This is where "critical thinking" skills come into play... If somethin' don't sound right it generally ain't right...

Which brings me to "Sawz facts"... You claim that only about half a million kids go to bed hungry when there are between 40 and 50 million people living in poverty???????

Man, that is some serious mis-thinking on yer part...

So I bring that up to you and you go off on yer little Obama's airplane trip??? Like what is that all about... We're talkin' "critical thinking" here about some serious shit... Not Obama's airplane...

But, no you don't wnat to talk nuthin' serious... You just want to attack me overstupid stuff that really has no bearing on the umber of kids that go hungry....

So I challenges you to provide a budget for a family of 4 living at the poverty level as a first step toward your 3 credits in "Critical Thinking 101" but you ignore that because you'd rather btalk about Obama's friggin' airplane???

Like what is that about, Sawz???

Well, you don't have to anaswer that because we know the answer to that... You really don't give a flyin' crap about kids that are hungry... You just wnat to post rightie-blog shit that because we don't have real newspeopoe out there doing real news things ya'll can get away with... Well, you ain't gettin' away with it from me, son, 'cause I'm on to the entire deal...

So now it's back to the rightie-blog mythology that Obama is the most secretive president ever going back to Ceasar (lol)... The righties sent that ballon up 3 days into the Obama administration and it wouldn't fly when they reminded that Obama had only been in office for 3 friggin' days so ya'll rightie bloggers (of which you are one) decided to just put that mythology off fir a while and try it again later????

What, do ya'll think the rest of us are friggin' morons, or what???

Quite the opposite, son... We see what ya'll are doing... Yeah, we know that ya'll hate Obama... We know that mythology is yer tool to display this hatred... Ain't nuthin' new here...

So, in the words of Paul Seibel, "No, this ain't been nice but we got something said..."

I know... Who is Paul Seibel??? Oh yeah... Ask a musican... There are plenty of them here... Not you, of course... Right??? Hey, this is a musican's website... At least bb is a geetar buyer and seller... BTW, what instrument is it again that you play...
