The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128118   Message #2867321
Posted By: ichMael
18-Mar-10 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
Subject: RE: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
Gee. I didn't know I could read French.

More problems than one man can juggle, Mr. D.? I assume you mean "their guy," i.e. Bush, created problems that "your guy", i.e. Obama has to juggle. I agree with your assessment of Obama as a sideshow performer, but I can't agree with your continued slavish devotion to the divisive two-party world view.

As a fellow filosofer, I'm sure you'll agree that the "sides" in America may not be what you perceive them to be. I mean, it's possible that what we have isn't a left/right thing. It could be more of a labor/management thing, in which case Obama would be management. And you would be labor. Bush would have been management. You could also view the arrangement as the oppressors vs the opressees. You're an opressee. So am I, but the difference between the two of us is that you work to keep the opressors in their places of power, while I'm trying to get them off our backs.

In doing what I have to do (pointing out to both Dems and Reps that they're being used), I must necessarily comment on stories like the Texas schoolbook thing, which is of little or no importance in the larger scheme of things. "Your guy" is about to launch World War 3 and what are you focused on in the calm before the storm? Oh, yeah...textbooks and Republicans.