The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128118   Message #2867748
Posted By: Bill D
19-Mar-10 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
Subject: RE: BS: Texas does it again- conservative books
1. I did...thanks...

2. "Your statement is logically equivilent to the following- so I will accept NO critism of my statement."

piffle! It has no such 'logical' connection. Your rewording damages the very concept.
My statement says simply that Obama's positions, as stated, are similar to my own and that I see, so far no reason to doubt that he means what he says.
   And I have ALWAYS been open to clear, reasoned critiques....even as I reserve, as we all do, the right of dissent when critiques seem neither clear or reasoned.