The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2868871
Posted By: CarolC
21-Mar-10 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Don, I'm not happy with the way the bill is structured. I would prefer single payer not for profit. But imagine what it's like for people in their 50s who don't have insurance, and don't have enough money to be able to pay for very much medical care out of pocket. If you're in that situation, you grasp at any straw that is in reach. We make too much money for Medicaid. We expect to be in the income bracket that would make us eligible for a subsidy. We own a small business, so we will be eligible for tax breaks for providing our employees (us) with health insurance. I heard yesterday that the new health care market in which people like us will be able to buy insurance at competitive prices is supposed to kick in quickly, which could make insurance more affordable for us. It is our hope that with that combination of factors, we will be in better shape than we are in now. If the bill doesn't pass, we are still royally fucked with no hope for any improvement until we reach the age of 65 (if we live that long, which, without access to health care, is debatable). That means waiting almost 12 years for me, and almost 15 years for JtS.

Put yourself in our shoes and ask yourself which state of affairs you would prefer.