The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2868927
Posted By: Bobert
21-Mar-10 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
I just went thru having to buy a new health insurance policy and it was complete Hell!!!

Even though I am a non smoker, weigh on 170 pounds, have good colestoral numbers and am healthy I had to sweat out how I would be "graded" by the insurance company...

Luckily I came thru as a Level A but if I had reported that I was injured a couple years back by a massauge theapist it would have been a B rating which would hacve upped the premium by $400 a month... And that was for an injury... Now if I had told the insurance company that I had mono some 40 years ago that would have dropped my to a level C and I would have been priced completely out of the health insurance market...

So ya' gotta just lie to them about stupid shit that has nothin' to do with yer state of health... That is a messed up deal...

So, hey, I lied to them... I didn't tell them I had been injured or that I had mono 40 years ago... It was either that or have no insurance but thinkin' about it...

...heck, maybe I don't have any insurance anyway if they can drop me if I get, ahhhh, sick???

Man, I have MSNBC on and I am prayin' and hopin' that the Dems can pull off this thing 'cause this is real life stuff fir alot of us...
