The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128265   Message #2869323
Posted By: Martin Dardis
22-Mar-10 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1970s Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: 1970s Ireland
MURDER rates in Dublin are now the sixth highest in Europe.
Only five other European capitals have higher homicide levels in the latest United Nations league table.
Dublin comes four places ahead of London, which ranks 10th in the list.
At least 123,258 women travelled from Ireland to the UK for abortions between January 1980 and December 2005.

5,585 women travelled to the UK for abortions in 2005. Women aged between 20 – 30 years represented the majority of those who travelled to Britain for abortion services in 2004.

These figures under-count the amount of women travelling to the UK for abortions as they only include those who choose to give Irish addresses to clinics at which they obtain abortion services.

34,000 single women a year having children and claiming state benefit for the rest of their lives at a cost of billions to the tax payer, and all because she got a quick ride on a Saturday night.

The Catholic church have a lot to answer for but when they were in control they ran a tight ship.

As for the North about being subsumed into such a society, well, then the Stormont government would be defunct and all the assembly members would loose their big jobs as Dublin would be running the show, some how I can't see Sinn Fein calling for an election on a united Ireland in the near future