The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128206   Message #2869520
Posted By: Ruth Archer
22-Mar-10 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: What is the future of folk music?
Subject: RE: What is the future of folk music?
I could not agree more with Jim Moray.

I love traditional music. Really, really do, and am quite happy with the route that took me to the tradition, Dick. I am, as Paul astutely points out, 42 years old. Given the generation that I grew up in and the fact that I did my growing up in America, it's actually rather surprising that I got here at all. After 20-odd years of listening to folk and traditional music at all levels, I still think that what the Pogues did was adventurous, exciting, and original - and bloody great music. It may not be to your taste, but it was incredibly influential and still sounds as fresh now as it did more than 20 years ago.

I'm no expert on British grime music, but from the first time I heard JM's arrangement of Lucy Wan I had chills. As he says, it gives the brother's point of view: self-justifying, adolescent rage; brutal and uncompromising. Sometimes it can be hard to relate to the death and violence in the old ballads - it seems remote and unreal, and at times pretty OTT. JM's Lucy Wan is the opposite.