The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8867   Message #2869575
Posted By: Jim Dixon
22-Mar-10 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Maid Who Sold Her Barley
Subject: Lyr Add: THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER (from D'Urfey)
From Wit and Mirth: Or, Pills to Purge Melancholy, Volume 2 by Thomas D'Urfey, Henry Playford (London: J. Tonson, 1719), page 167:


1. Cold and Raw the North did blow,
Bleak in the Morning early;
All the Trees were hid in Snow,
Dagl'd by Winter yearly:
When come Riding over a Knough,
I met with a Farmer's Daughter;
Rosie Cheeks and bonny Brow,
Good faith made my Mouth to water.

2. Down I vail'd my Bonnet low,
Meaning to shew my breeding;
She return'd a graceful bow,
A Visage far exceeding:
I ask'd her where she went so soon,
And long'd to begin a Parly;
She told me unto the next Market Town,
A purpose to sell her Barly.

3. In this purse, sweet Soul, said I,
Twenty pounds lie fairly;
Seek no farther one to buy,
For I'se take all thy Barly:
Twenty more shall buy Delight,
Thy Person I Love so dearly;
If thou wouldst stay with me all Night,
And go home in the Morning early.

4. If Twenty pound could buy the Globe,
Quoth she, this I'd not do, Sir;
Or were my Kin as poor as Job,
I wo'd not raise 'em so, Sir;
For should I be to Night your friend,
We'st get a young Kid together;
And you'd be gone ere the nine Months end,
And where should I find a Father?

5. I told her I had Wedded been,
Fourteen years and longer;
Or else I'd choose her for my Queen,
And tie the Knot much stronger:
She bid me then no farther rome,
But manage my Wedlock fairly;
And keep Purse for poor Spouse at home,
For some other shall have her Barly.