The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2869632
Posted By: Bobert
22-Mar-10 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Well, Ake... I got plenty of time... Yeah, I'd really like to hear a response from the folks who have attacked me here for making a suggestion that the same kinds of folks who are in the Tea Party now were the kinda folks that once were in the ranks of the KKK...

Yeah, I'm real curious as to how Sawz will try to twist this one into chicken salad when it is clearly chicken shit...

Maybe he'll try his "Bobert drinks moonshine" defense... No, no... I got it... He'll bring up the fact that I have smoked pot with my son... Yeah... That oughtta divert attention away from the redneck/Tea Party folks who spit on balck Congresspeople and shouted nigger at them...

BTW, as per my usual day in rural America I heard yet again today in regards to Obama, "Someone oughtta shoot that nigger"... Guess it was a joke???

What isn't a joke is the very uncivilzed nature of the Tea Party... If they were on the left we'd have SWAT teams parachuting down on them and killing them but we, as a nation, have collectively given heavially armed sub-cultures a pass if they are white... Hey, it's the American way... I remember when the Black Panthers bought a few guns the government went after them like they were al-qaeda but seems that the government thinks when rednecks do the same thing it's just "boys being boys"... No, it's not!!! It's a bunch or racist assholes that need to be treated for what they are and what they represent!!!

If ya'll rednecks here (and you know who you are) want another round of the 60's then keep it up... Eventually the civilized among us will have had enough of yer bullying and borishness and shoot back... Don't think it can happen??? Just keep it up!!!
