The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2869634
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Mar-10 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Little Hawk is essentially right about the effect that the word "socialism" has on a lot of Americans. This was underscored during World War II, and the Cold War in particular. Anything that smacked of the Soviet Union (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which was socialist in name only), or World War II (the Nazi—National Socialist Party—which had damned little to do with socialism, really; it was an amalgam of capitalism and racism run amok) was to be despised as a patriotic duty.

Right-wingers have used that spurious association ever since to brand anything they don't like that uses tax money (except bailing out capitalists who get themselves in dire straits through rampant greed and mismanagement) as, **OH, HORRORS**, "SOCIALISM."

No matter how well whatever it is has worked in other countries.

But I think the scam may be on the wane. A lot of people these days (such as myself) never miss an opportunity to point out to people who react negatively to the word, that without a measure of socialism, they would have to go through the process of giving their insurance information to the 911 operator if they call because their house is on fire, someone has broken a basement window and is rummaging around down there, or because someone in the house is having a heart attack.

"What? You have no insurance? Well, how do you plan to pay for this then?" as your house is going up in flames.

And there would be no streets, highways, and bridges they could drive on where they would not have to pay a toll, no public parks, no public libraries, no public schools. . . .

You get the idea.

When I run through this litany, they often sit there with their mouths open and their eyes wide, then say, "You mean—?" And then we have a pretty interesting discussion.

What usually cinches the idea is when I point out that when they come to retire—or if they are already retired—without a hint of socialism, there would be no Social Security checks—and no Medicare. "But .  . . but. .  . ."   They hadn't though of that! But it brings it down to a personal level, and that puts a whole new light on the matter

I'm not the only one. The idea is gradually getting around.

Spread the word!!

Don Firth