The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128158   Message #2870263
Posted By: robomatic
23-Mar-10 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Greatest American Books
Subject: RE: BS: Greatest American Books
Sometimes A Great Notion        Ken Kesey

All The King's Men                by Robert Penn Warren

The River Why                        David James Duncan (just learned it's coming out as a movie this year)

Cold Sassy Tree                       Olive Ann Burns

Leaves of Grass                        Walt Whitman

The Sea Wolf                        Jack London

Innocents Abroad                Mark Twain

Complete Short Stories                Mark Twain

and two famous American books to denigrate: "Scarlet Letter" was to me tedious and turgid; "Moby Dick" though wonderful of setting and intriguing as plot, was a disappointment in pace and language to read. one of the very few books I've not finished.