The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2870335
Posted By: Bobert
23-Mar-10 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Fine, Doug... I'd be all for an ammendment that any Neaderthal who wants to opt out can opt out but that means that they go one a registry and no matter what the circumstance they will not be treated in any health care system... Period!!! I don't care if they get shot, they get in an accident, they get cancer, etc., etc...

The only exception would be people who can and will prepay for any treatment they get...

I mean, I hear ya'll talkin' about personal responsibility... Hey, I don't wnat my premiums going up 'cause some dumbass redneck opts out, then accidently shoots himself while deer huntin', can't afford treatement so the hospital treats the moron, he doesn't pay the bill and it gets passed on to all of us...

Yeah, opt out means opt the *f* out... No excuses!!!

But these folks won't do that... I live in the heart of Redneck Nation... Thay hate the government but when they want somethin' then they can't get enough of the governments help...

Let's just pose this scenerio... You got to any danged nursing home in America and it is filled with folks who are just layin' in their beds, pooping themselves and having to be fed... Millions of these folks are there because of Medicaid... I'd love to see Redneck Nation if Obama were to say, "Sorry, ya'll but granny is gettin' kicked out of nursing home so ya'll gonna have to start taking care of her in yer double-wides...".... Yeah, talk about the Tea Baggers screamin'... There would be the loudest scream ever heard... It would sound like a nuclear bomb was detonated over every town in America... That is reality, folks...

Yeah, Redneck Nation is all about screaming... Heck, I heard it as a socail worker... No matter what it was that they thought granny should be gettin' from the government if the programs weren't there to give (YES, GIVE!!!) granny what Redneck Nation thought granny ***deserved*** from the governemnt then they were real pissed off!!! You know, just like the Tea Partiers... Talk about hypocrits????

Beam me up, Scottie... The morons are trying to take over...
