The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128206   Message #2870828
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Mar-10 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: What is the future of folk music?
Subject: RE: What is the future of folk music?
"let's just call it music shall we?"
No, lets not shall we - we are talking about a specific type of music - I dont go in and ask for a tin of soup.
Though you are free not to use the term if you feel that your particular music doesn't live up to the description - would that others had your honesty and initiative.
"I'll do it my way."
And if you put it up for public scrutiny we will have an opinion on it and will discuss it when the opportunity arises.
"But really, there are only 2 types of music."
Oh dear, try telling it to the jazzmen and the classicists and the middle-of-the-roaders and all the other types whose music has been dignified with a title so we know where to find it when we want it.
An immediate flaw in your logic - isn't 'Music manufactured in commercial studios' performed by musicians or has R2D2 finally taken over the asylum?
"What else could it possibly be?"
You jest, surely!
Folk music is a record of the experiences, emotions and opinions of people who otherwise have had no voice; our transportation songs are a record of the enclosures from the point of those who got the shitty end of the stick: emigration songs, the experiences of those forced to leave home because of famine, evictions and political persecution; solders songs about those sent to 'die for the king or queen'; bothy songs a unique chunk of Scots farming history...... Where do you stop?
In many cases these events would be merely facts and figures in books and are quite often the only existing records of what took place.
They are what we are and where we've been and are forest in which all our family trees are planted.
"It'll make poor Jim's hair curl!"   
Digitising some recordings CS - will listen later - thank you for assuming I still have hair - (which I do, I hasten to add).
Jim Carroll
PS Can I say that while I may not appreciate J M's treatment of traditional (no - folk) songs, for what it's worth he has my respect for turning up here and fighting his corner - which is more than can be said of those prepared to throw in the towel on his behalf.