The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128265   Message #2870834
Posted By: GUEST,Allan Connochie
24-Mar-10 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 1970s Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: 1970s Ireland
"So in reality the bombings achieved their aim of widespread commercial damage and infrastructure disruption at the expense of relatively little loss of life."

I think different people would have different ideas of what constitutes a 'relatively little loss of life' and many people may find your post a touch on the callous side. The Cain site lists each individual death so if anyone has the inclination to count them all the total lost to bombs could be easily enough got to. However for most folk a significant number were killed that way and that is only part of the story. Just take one incident like Omagh! There were 29 killed which is horrendous enough but on top of that there were about 200 injured never mind the others emotionally and psychologically damaged by the event itself or by losing a loved one or having a loved one severely maimed. Sure that was a major event but many of the smaller events also would have affected many more people than just those who died.